18 февраля 2015 г.

The USSR in Afghanistan. And what Americans constructed in Afghanistan?

The USSR in Afghanistan. The list of the main objects and the works executed by the USSR within rendering of technical assistance to Afghanistan...

1. Hydroelectric power station of Puli-Humri-II in capacity of 9 thousand kW on the river Kungduz 1962.

2. Thermal power plant at plant of nitric fertilizers in capacity of 48 thousand kW (4х12) 1 turn - 1972.

The II turn (36 MWt) - 1974.

Expansion (to 48 MWt) - 1982.

3. A dam and hydroelectric power station "Nagla" on the river Kabul in capacity of 100 thousand kW of 1966.

expansion - 1974.

4. LEP with substations from hydroelectric power station of Puli-Humri-II to Baghlan and Kunduz (110 km) 1967.

5. LEP with substation of 35/6 kV from thermal power plant at plant of nitric fertilizers about one of Mazari-Cheriffe (17,6 km) 1972.

6-8. Electrosubstation in a northwest part of Kabul and LEP - 110 kV from electrosubstation "East" (25 km) 1974.

9-16. 8 oil depots in the general capacity of 8300 CBM of 1952 - 1958.

17. The gas pipeline from a gas production place to plant of nitric fertilizers in Mazari-Cheriffe in extent of 88 km and capacity of 0,5 billion CBM of gas in a year 1968 1968.

18-19. The gas pipeline from a gasfield to border of the USSR in length of 98 km, diameter of 820 mm, capacity of 4 billion CBM of gas a year, including air transition through the Amu Darya River in length of 660 m 1967,

air transition of the gas pipeline - 1974г.

20. The Looping on the main gas pipeline in length of 53 km of 1980.

21. LEP - 220 kV from the Soviet border around of Shirkhan about one of Kunduz (first stage) 1986.

22. Oil depot expansion in Hayraton's port on 5 thousand CBM 1981

23. Oil depot in Mazari-Cheriffe in capacity of 12 thousand CBM of 1982.

24. Oil depot in Logara in capacity of 27 thousand CBM of 1983.

25. Oil depot in. Bullets - Humri in capacity of 6 thousand CBM

26-28. Three motor transportation enterprises in Kabul on 300 lorries "Kamaz" everyone 1985.

29. The motor transportation enterprise for service of fuel trucks in Kabul

30. Service station of cars "Kamaz" in Hayraton 1984.

31. Gasfield arrangement around of Shibergan in capacity of 2,6 billion CBM of gas a year 1968.

32. Gasfield arrangement on the Dzharkuduk field with a complex of constructions on a desulphurisation and preparation of gas for transportation in volume to 1,5 billion CBM of gas a year 1980.

33. A gas booster station on "Hodge-Gugerdag" gasfield of 1981.

34-36. Plant of nitric fertilizers in Mazari-Cheriffe in capacity of 105 thousand tons of a carbamide a year with the inhabited settlement and construction base of 1974.

37. Autorepair plant in Kabul in capacity 1373 major maintenance of cars and 750 tons of hardware a year 1960.

38. The airport "Hooks" with a runway of 3000 m of 1961.

39. The international airfield in Kabul with a runway of 2800х47 m of 1962.

40. Airfield "Shindand" with a runway of 2800 m of 1977.

41. The line of multichannel communication from of Mazari-Cheriffe to Hayraton's point of 1982.

42. Stationary station of satellite communication "Intersputnik" of the Lotus type

43. House-building combine in Kabul in capacity of 35 thousand sq.m of living space a year 1965.

44. Expansion of house-building combine in Kabul to 37 thousand sq.m of living space a year 1982.

45. An asphalt-batching plant in Kabul, asphalting of streets and delivery of road cars (supply of equipment and the technical help were carried out through MWT) 1955.

46. Shirkhan's calculated on processing of 155 thousand tons of cargo in a year the river port, including 20 thousand tons of oil products -1959.

expansion of 1961.

47. Avtodorozhny Bridge through river Hanabad at Alchin's village in length of 120 m - 1959.

48. The highway "Salang" through Ridge Hindu Kush (107,3 km with a tunnel of 2,7 km at height of 3300 m) 1964.

49. Reconstruction of technical systems of a tunnel of "Salang" of 1986.

50. The highway Kushka - Herat - Kandahar (679 km) with a cement and concrete covering of 1965.

51. Dosha Highway - Shirkhan (216 km) with a black covering of 1966.

52-54. Three road bridges in the Nangarkharsky province through river Kunar in Bisud's regions, Kama, Asmar in length according to 360 m, 230 m and 35 m of 1964.

55. The highway Kabul - Dzhabel - us-Seradzh (68,2 km) 1965.

56-57. Two road bridges through the rivers Salang and Gurband on 30 m every 1961.

58. The central repair shops on repair of road-building equipment in Herat 1966.

59. Puli-Humri-Mazari-Cheriffe-Shibergan Highway in extent of 329 km with a black covering of 1972.

60. The highway from Puli-Humri-Shibergan Highway to Hayraton's point on the bank of the Amu Darya River in extent of 56 km

61. Avtomobilno-zheleznodorozhny Bridge through the Amu Darya River of 1982.

62. A complex of constructions of transshipment terminal on the left coast of the Amu Darya River around Hayraton

63. Kindergarten on 220 places and a children's day nursery on 50 places in Kabul 1970.

64. City electric networks in Jalalabad 1969.

65-66. City electric networks in Mazari-Cheriffe and Balkh 1979.

67-68. Two residential districts in Kabul in total area of 90 thousand sq.m of 1978.

69-74. 6 meteorological stations and 25 posts of 1974.

75-78. 4 meteorological stations

79. The centre of mother and the child on 110 visits in day in Kabul 1971.

80. Geological, geophysical, seismoprospecting and chisel works on oil and gas in Northern Afghanistan 1968 - 1977.

81. Complex search and film-making works on firm minerals

82. Polytechnical institute in Kabul on 1200 students of 1968.

83. Technical school on 500 pupils for preparation of oil experts and miners-geologists in Mazari-Cheriffe 1973.

84. Automotive technical school on 700 pupils in Kabul

85-92. 8 professional educational institutions for preparation of skilled workers of 1982 - 1986.

93. Boarding school on the basis of a children's shelter in Kabul 1984.

94. A bread-baking complex in Kabul (the grain elevator in capacity of 50 thousand tons, two mills - 375 tons of a grinding per day, a bakery of 70 tons of bakery products per day) 1957.

95. An elevator in Puli-Humri in capacity of 20 thousand tons of grain

96. A bakery in Kabul productivity of 65 tons of bakery products per day 1981.

97. A mill in Puli-Humri productivity of 60 tons per day of 1982.

98. A bakery in Mazari-Cheriffe productivity of 20 tons of bakery products per day

99. A mill in Mazari-Cheriffe productivity of 60 tons of a flour per day

100. The Jalalabad irrigational channel with knot of head water intaking constructions on the river Kabul in length of 70 km from hydroelectric power station in capacity of 11,5 thousand kW of 1965.

101-102. A dam to "Sarda" with a reservoir in capacity of 164 million CBM and irrigational networks at a dam for an irrigation of 17,7 thousand hectares of lands 1968 - 1977гг.

103-105. Two agricultural diversified farms "Gazibad" with the territory of 2,9 thousand hectares, "Hald" with the territory of 2,8 thousand hectares and irrigational and meliorative preparation of lands in a zone of the Jalalabad channel on the area of 24 thousand hectares of 1969 - 1970.

106-108. Three veterinary laboratories on fight against infectious diseases of animals in Jalalabad, Mazari-Cheriffe and Herat 1972.

109. Plant on processing of a citrus and olives in Jalalabad 1984.

110. Control and seed laboratory on grain crops in Kabul

111-113. 3 soil and agrochemical laboratories in Kabul, Mazari-Cheriffe and Jalalabad

114-115. The 2nd cable crane near Khorog and Kalayi-Humb of 1985 - 1986.

116. Line Pole-220 kV «State border USSR-Mazari-Cheriffe» 1986.

117. Complex laboratory according to the analysis of firm minerals in Kabul 1985.

118. Grain elevator in capacity of 20 thousand tons in Mazari-Cheriffe

119. Service station of lorries on 4 posts in Puli-Humrm

120-121. 2 cotton seed laboratories in Kabul and Balkh

122. Policlinic of the insurance company of civil servants on 600 visits in day in Kabul

123-125. Stations of artificial insemination in Kabul (Binigisar), Mazari-Cheriffe (Balkh), Jalalabad

126. Institute of social sciences at the Central Committee of NDPA of 1986.

127. Development of a TEO documentation of expediency of creation of two state farms on the basis of irrigating system "Sarda"

128. LEP-10 kV from state border near Kushka to Turgundi's station with substation - "-

129. A gas-filling station in Kabul productivity of 2 thousand tons per year

130. Base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Hayraton for unloading and storage of special cargoes (on a "turn-key" basis)

131. Reconstruction of railway station of Turgundi of 1987.

132. Bridge restoration through Samangan's river

133. A gas-filling station in Hayraton in capacity of 2 thousand tons of the liquefied gas

134. The Looping of 50 km of the USSR gas pipeline - Afghanistan

135. Rescue and recovery operations on the main highways

136. High comprehensive school on 1300 pupils in Kabul with teaching of a number of subjects in Russian

137. Installation on processing of gas condensate in diesel fuel in capacity on processing of 4 thousand. Tons per year on a gasfield Dzharkuduk

138. MGB base in Hayraton's port

139-141. Three concreted platforms in Hayraton

142. The enterprise for progressive assembly of bicycles in capacity of 15 thousand pieces a year in Kabul 1988.

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